Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sex and Your City

I have yet to find a woman who has not heard of or at least seen an episode or even one of the two movies of this particular drama ( If you have no idea what I am talking about please refer to the title). And lots of people see this show as something frivolous and not worth watching. But by watching this show I have learned some interesting things and I would like to share my top six.
1. Girlfriends are essential.
2. It’s always an appropriate time for a cocktail.
3. Shoes are a need not a want.
4. Relationships come with obstacles. There is no avoiding them.
5. Having a gay friend opens up more of the world to you.
6. Sex is a topic that should never be too taboo to talk about.

 1. Girlfriends are essential. 
This is a lesson that any woman learns throughout their life. But for those who have not yet experienced much of the world. You learn that you can't go throughout life without close confidantes like Carrie Bradshaw's companions. It takes time to find that woman who no matter what happens will not judge our weaknesses and cheer on our victories. Along the way we run into people that are disguised as friends but in reality they are only there for convenience and once that disappears so do they. And when we do find them they in turn make us a better person.

 2. It’s always an appropriate time for a cocktail. 
Once a person learns to appreciate alcohol, which can happen for some before the legal drinking age Most of us realize how great it is to end the day with a cocktail. Some will chose a glass of wine or even a beer and there are even a few individuals who chose not to drink and unwind a different way. Some would consider this a bad habit that is the gateway to addiction and that the show advertising this makes it unacceptable. Most of these people are dicks.

 3. Shoes are a need not a want.
This is completely materialistic but I am absolutely in love with shoes. Before I saw the show it was more of an admiration but it was toward payless shoes and boots. On the show I could see Manolo and Couture shoes that I could only dream of. To be realistic shoes are a want, but sometimes you need to fulfill you wants to make the needs of living easier.

 4. Relationships come with obstacles.
There is no avoiding them. No matter how good of a relationship you have, every couple has problems. Some are major involving different backgrounds, families, or even were they see each other in a few years. Others are small things like not putting the toilet seat down, or always telling lame jokes at parties. But it should be comforting to know that no matter how perfect a couple looks, they still have their own problems that they are dealing with. They may just be better at hiding the difficulties they are going threw.

 5. Having a gay friend opens up more of the world to you.
 This may not be considered very PC but everyone needs to have a gay friend. Not necessary for fashion or love advice. But because their point of view can really open up your world. It could simply be realizing that calling something "gay" is offensive to realizing how unfair and cruel people can be. But either way having a gay friend can ope you up to a world of things you may not have ever found without them.

 6. Sex is a topic that should never be considered too taboo to talk about.
This is true especially among friends. Its been noted that most teenagers and young adults learn about sex mostly from their friends. So it should stand that you should be able to discuss sex with them no matter what your age. But I believe we should be able to extend this to family members and more. It seems like in the USA today sex is still considered a taboo topic. There are protests detected to blocking abortions, safe sex teaching, and making it harder to receive birth control. So why is this topic something people are trying to suppress. Its the way we are brought in to this world, most of us eventually end up having sex, and in some unusual circumstances the way we die. I am a firm believe that the conversation of sex should never be taboo.

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